the most common reasons your car fails its mot

the most common reasons your car fails its mot

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There are a number of reasons why your car may not pass its MOT, but the most common ones are usually easy to fix. In this article, we’re going to take a look at the most common reasons why cars fail their MOT tests, and what you can do to avoid them.

How common is it to fail an MOT?

Around 1 in 4 cars fail their MOT test, and the most common reasons are usually those that occur due to the age and level of maintenance given to the car. The most common makes to fail an MOT are Ford, Vauxhall, and BMW, due to their age and high mileage, but any car can potentially fail its MOT.

What are the most common reasons for failing an MOT?

The most common reasons for cars failing their MOT tests are as follows:

  1. Tyres that are below the legal limit
  2. Lights that aren’t working properly
  3. Brake pads that are worn down
  4. Steering that is not working properly
  5. Exhaust system that is not in good condition

What are major faults on MOT?

There are a number of major faults that can cause your car to fail its MOT test. These include:

  • Brakes not working properly: Your car must be able to stop quickly and safely, so if your brakes are not functioning properly, it will fail its MOT.
  • Tyres with insufficient tread: Your tyres must have a minimum of 1.6mm of tread depth across the central three-quarters of the tyre.
  • Lighting problems: Any faults with your car’s lighting system, such as blown bulbs or incorrect wiring, will cause it to fail its MOT.
  • Steering and suspension problems: If your steering or suspension is not in good condition, your car will fail its MOT.
  • Problems with the engine, exhaust or transmission: If your car has any problems with its engine, exhaust or transmission, it will be a fail.

What can you do to avoid these faults?

There are a few things you can do to avoid these common faults and keep your car in good condition. Firstly, make sure you keep your car well-maintained and serviced regularly. This will help to identify any problems early on and get them fixed before they become a bigger issue. You should also always make sure you have good quality tyres with enough tread depth, and check your car’s lighting system regularly to make sure everything is working properly.

Finally, if you do have any problems with your car’s engine, exhaust or transmission, get them fixed as soon as possible. Failing to do so could result in your car failing its MOT. If you’re concerned about your car’s MOT status, or you need it serviced or repaired, get in touch with a local garage today.

Can you drive your car away if it fails the MOT?

If your car fails its MOT, you can’t drive it away. It will need to be repaired and then retested. This is because the MOT test is an important safety check, and it’s illegal to drive a car that doesn’t have a valid MOT certificate.

MOTs first started in the UK in 1960, and they’re now a mandatory part of owning a car. The test is designed to make sure your car is safe to drive, and that it meets certain minimum safety standards. It came in response to the number of road accidents that were happening at the time.

If your car fails its MOT, you can take it to a local garage for repairs. Once it’s been repaired, you can take it back for a retest. If it passes, you’ll be given a new MOT certificate. If it doesn’t, you’ll need to get the repairs done before you can take it for another test.

For more information about MOTs, or to find a local garage, visit the website.

How long do I have to fix my car if it fails its MOT?

If your car fails its MOT, you have to fix it within 14 days. If you don’t, you could face a fine of up to £2,500. It is vital that you get your car fixed as soon as possible, as it’s not safe to drive it without a valid MOT certificate.

MOTs are an important part of owning a car, and it’s important to make sure your car is in good condition so it can pass the test. If your car fails its MOT, there are a number of things you can do to get it fixed. It is always best to ensure you take care of your car, regardless of how often you use it. You might only drive it a few times a year, but it still needs to be certified as safe to drive. Not only are there hidden problems you might not notice yourself, but the risks to yourself and other road users make it an absolutely imperative part of car ownership.

Can you challenge an MOT failure?

Yes, you can challenge an MOT failure. If you think the fault with your car was caused by something else, such as a manufacturing defect, you can appeal against the result. You will need to provide evidence to support your claim, and the appeal will be decided by an independent adjudicator. They can either agree with the original MOT result or overturn it and declare your car to be safe to drive.

So, there you have it – the most common reasons why cars fail their MOT tests. By avoiding these faults and keeping your car well-maintained, you can help ensure that your car passes its MOT with no problems.

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